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音标: 英 [ˈpærədaɪs] 美 [ˈpærəˌdaɪs, -ˌdaɪz]

n. 天堂, 乐园, 伊甸园

n. (Christianity) the abode of righteous souls after death


1. This is a paradise, a paradise inspired by the power, the beauty of nature.

这是一个天堂 受自然之力和自然之美的启发所创造

2. Other than that, after that, it was peaceful in paradise.

除了这个 那之后就是天堂般宁静了

3. That's all. It's not a paradise for us.

如此罢了 那不是我们的天堂

4. This is paradise compared to what's coming.

比起即将发生的 如今简直是天堂

5. Your community, you say it's not a paradise, but it is.

你说你的社区不是天堂 但这里就是天堂

6. But on the other side lies paradise.

但如果战斗胜利 荣华富贵享之不尽

7. He's a martyr in paradise, and I'm stuck here.

他已經英勇就義了 我還困在這兒

8. For a leafeater, these islands are paradise.

对于食叶动物来说 这些岛屿就是天堂

9. And we could return this world to the paradise it was before them.

我们就可以将这个世界 恢复成以前的天堂

10. So when you were in here, you got a glimpse of paradise.

当你身处教堂 便能一窥天堂的模样



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

