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音标: 英 ['hɪstrɪ] 美 [ˈhɪstərɪ]

n. 历史, 过去, 经历, 发展过程, 历史学, 过去的事, 历史记录
[计] 历史记录

n. the aggregate of past events
n. a record or narrative description of past events
n. the discipline that records and interprets past events involving human beings
n. the continuum of events occurring in succession leading from the past to the present and even into the future


1. And when history did not cooperate, history was changed.

当历史的发展与预期不符 就改变历史

2. You're the one who's afraid of your history, my history repeating.


3. I mean, you just said it, history is history.

像你说的 历史就是历史

4. They're history's greatest wars because they're history's greatest beasts.

那是历史上最伟大的战争 因为它们是历史上最伟大的野兽

5. Keep it just the way it is, a piece of history, our history.

都保持原样 一件历史 我们的历史

6. You tell yourself you played a part in history, that you are history, but that's shit.

你告诉自己你在历史中占有一席之地 你说你就是历史 但那都是扯淡

7. But that's history. I'm here, he's not.

但那都成历史了 我在这儿 而他不在

8. They aren't you, they don't have the history you do.

但是你是唯一的 你有别人没有的经历

9. You want to get your name into the history books, history.

你想让自己被载入史册 史册

10. There are times when we make history, and there are times when history makes us.

英雄造时势 时势也造就英雄



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

