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音标: 英 [ˈbɒɪlɪŋ] 美 [ˈbɒɪlɪŋ]

a. 沸腾的, 激昂的
adv. 沸腾

n. the application of heat to change something from a liquid to a gas
n. cooking in a liquid that has been brought to a boil
r. extremely


1. Me, boiled potatoes, boiled veg, boiled beef, and then tapioca pudding or semolina, if was lucky, with a dollop of jam.

煮土豆 煮牛肉 煮蔬菜 然后是西米布丁 或者通心粉 抹层果酱都算走运的

2. And when you boil it down, that's what this is about.

归根结底 你这么想也是出于爱国

3. To make the mix, at the secret is to bring your milk to the boil but do not boil it.

和面时 要注意加热牛奶 但是不要煮开

4. ...and then their guts slowly start boiling, like, literally boiling.

之后所有内脏都会开始沸腾 真的沸腾到炸开

5. I've heard of boil in a bag, but boil in a kelp is a new one on me.

我听说过用袋子煮 但在海藻里煮 我还是第一次听说

6. For perfect boiled potatoes, always start them off in cold water and never boiling water.

要煮出完美的土豆 一定要用冷水开始煮 千万不能用沸水开始煮

7. As it slowly begins to come to the boil now, this needs to come to the boil, basically, to dissolve the sugar that's in there at the moment.

它们在慢慢地沸腾 这是必须的 主要为了使糖溶解 现在里面还有一些未溶解的

8. She's probably been boiling for a while.


9. They're boiling it in oil, and they're eating him.

把薄片烫熟 然后一点点的吃掉

10. Boiled beets don't have the same flavor at all.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

