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音标: 英 [sɒk] 美 [sɑk]

n. 短袜, 鞋垫, 一击
vt. 重击, 猛投, 给...穿袜
vi. 打击
adv. 正着地, 不偏不倚地
a. 非常成功的

n. hosiery consisting of a cloth covering for the foot; worn inside the shoe; reaches to between the ankle and the knee
v. hit hard


1. 'cause they were sock socks, not alive socks.

因为它们只是普通袜子 不是活的袜子

2. That we sell compression socks, not oppression socks.

我们卖压缩袜 而不是压力袜

3. On second thoughts, maybe my sock is better than no sock.

转念一想 也许有袜子总比没有好

4. And if they want you in a cock sock, you wear a cock sock.

他让你们穿公鸡袜子 你们就穿

5. Do you want a sock drawer? I can give you a sock drawer.

你想要抽屉用吗 给你一整个

6. I think they're new socks, 'cause you can see that they're brighter than the other socks.

我想他们是新袜子 因为你能够看到 他们的袜子比别人的更加的色彩鲜艳

7. lf you gotta sock 'em, sock 'em where they ain't going to bleed.

要打就打那些不会 的部位

8. A sock placed over a fist itself placed over a male member, excited to the point of making tummy pancakes, but into said sock.

这只袜子紧包着拳头 拳头握着男根 男根激动得像是要 肚皮煎饼 不过是射到这只袜子里

9. I know I'm just a country canary who moved to the big city with nothing but a suitcase full of socks, a head full of dreams, and a second suitcase also full of socks.

我知道我是乡下金丝雀 刚搬到大城市 一无所有 除了一箱袜子和满脑子梦想 还有满满的另一箱袜子

10. Day two on risperidone, I usually feel like I got a thick, wet sock over my head, but I don't feel like I got a thick, wet sock over my head pretty good.

吃利培酮[精神 药]的第二天 我常觉得 有一只又厚又潮的袜子罩在我头上 不过现在没有了 所以我感觉还算不错



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

