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音标: 英 [trəup] 美 [trop]

n. 转义, 比喻

n. language used in a figurative or nonliteral sense


1. It's already an overused trope now, in 2007.

2007年 这修辞早就被用烂了

2. For us it was really a nod at the western and all its tropes.

对我们来说 这是对西部及其象征一切的致敬

3. This di antling of the family trope is fairly radical.


4. I had no idea that a man out of time was itself such a timeworn literary trope.

真没想到一个不合时宜的人 本身竟是一种久经考验的修辞

5. Too often, this genre leans on derivative tropes, but these, these are exceptional.

通常这种流派的作品 都缺乏独创性 但是这些 是罕见的上品

6. That is a key plot twist, a classic telenovela trope.


7. If there's one thing I hate, it's an evil le ian. It's such a trope.

我唯一讨厌的东西 就是恶毒的女同 这是个比喻

8. The easy trope of the angry black woman, when in fact what she was displaying was passion.

一个简单的愤怒黑人妇女的形象 而实际上她所展现的是

9. I know all the tricks and tropes of filmmaking, but what I'm missing is what I think the critics call "substance," which is you more than me.

制作电影的各项技术我都懂 但我没有的是 那些影评家所谓的「故事情节」 这点恰好你有

10. It was written and directed by a white man, and it totally promotes the white savior trope.

这电影的编剧和导演都是白人 而且片子传达的完全就是白人救世主思想



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

