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音标: 英 [ʌn'hæpɪnəs] 美 [ʌnˈhæpɪnɪs]

n. 苦恼;忧愁

n. state characterized by emotions ranging from mild discontentment to deep grief


1. Because you were unhappy so you wanted me to be unhappy, too.

因为你不开心 就想让我也不开心

2. We're here because when my hu and's unhappy, I'm unhappy.

我們之所以來 是因為我老公不開心 我也不開心

3. I'll not lie, your brothers are unhappy, very unhappy.

说实话 弟兄们很不高兴 非常不高兴

4. But you've made me very unhappy, and I don't like being unhappy.

可你让我不开心了 而我不喜欢不开心

5. I'm moving because I'm unhappy, and I'm tired of being unhappy.

我搬过去是因为我不快乐 我不想再不快乐下去了

6. Every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.


7. unhappy, and where there's unhappiness, there's often anger and retribution.

不开心 而一旦有人不开心 愤怒和惩罚也会随之而来

8. At the time, I thought I was unhappy with the project, but in hindsight I realized I was just unhappy with myself.

当时我以为我是对项目不满意 但后来我意识到我是对自己不满意

9. It's better to be somewhat unhappy with clear skin than be extremely unhappy with a debilitating rash.

顶着健康的脸不太开心 也比一脸红疹非常不开心好

10. I know exactly why I'm unhappy, and I also know the only thing that would stop me being unhappy is impossible.

我很清楚我为什么不开心 我知道唯一可以让我不再不开心的东西 是不存在的



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

