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音标: 英 [əˈpɪnjəneɪtɪd] 美 [əˈpɪnjəˌnetɪd]

a. 固执己见的, 武断的

s. obstinate in your opinions


1. Yes, but to withhold an opinion, you have to have an opinion.

是的 但是要保留意见 你首先必须有自己的意见

2. Well, in my opinion, in a lot of people's opinion.

在我看来 在很多人看来是这样

3. Might affect my opinion of you, but that shouldn't affect your opinion of yourself.

但可能会影响我对你的看法 但也不该影响你的自我认同

4. But my opinion of you isn't what it was.


5. I didn't want a second opinion. I wanted a different opinion.

我不是想听别人的建议 我是想听不同的建议

6. I grew up with three very opinionated sisters and one very opinionated mother.

我从小和三个很强势的姐姐 和很强势的妈妈生活在一起

7. He is qualified to an opinion, and said opinion is not only relevant, but imperative to the case.

他有资格发表看法 这个看法不仅与本案息息相关 对本案来说还非常重要

8. You asked me to get a second opinion. I got a second opinion.

你要我去听听其他意见 我去听了其他意见

9. You must have some opinion. If my opinion mattered this would have been done long ago.

你有什麼看法嗎 如果我的看法有用 這事早解決了

10. Having an opinion, you have an opinion immediately, whether you like it or not, whether you like something or not, whether you're for something or not, liking someone or not liking them.

观点的产生是即时的 喜欢什么 讨厌什么 热衷什么 不热衷什么 喜欢某人或讨厌某人



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


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