中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈpiktʃəd]

v. 绘画( picture的过去式和过去分词 ); 描绘; 想像; 设想

v imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind
v show in, or as in, a picture
s seen in the mind as a mental image
s represented graphically by sketch or design or lines


1. I got a picture there's a picture of him.

我有一张照片 他的照片

2. No, I had pictures. I took pictures of him.

不 我有照片 我拍过他

3. Some pictures were just neutral pictures pictures of landscapes, etc some pictures are of emotional things, like maybe a car crash.

有些图片只是中性图片 像是风景图片等 有些图片跟情绪相关 比如车祸的图片

4. Wonderful picture of her. It is. wonderful picture.

拍得很美 的确拍得很美

5. I mean, I wasn't picturing any I don't picture things.

我是说 我没有想 我不会乱想

6. The very first picture, is a picture of my family.


7. They have pictures of me at school, pictures of me as a kid.

那人有我在学校的照片 我小时候的照片

8. I want to show you a picture. I have a picture.

我想给你看张照片 我有张照片

9. Paint me a picture. I'll show you a picture.

给我画张画看下 我直接给你看照片

10. What pictures are you talking about? I didn't send you pictures.

到底什么照片 我根本没给你发过



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

