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音标: 英 ['waɪldˌflaʊə] 美 [ˈwaɪldˌflaʊɚ]

n. 野花

n. wild or uncultivated flowering plant


1. Yeah, we could lay you down in a meadow of wildflowers.

没错 我们可以把你放在开着野花的草地上

2. This is now a home for all wildflowers to grow.

给所有的野花提供了一个 成长的土地

3. It comes from arrowleaf balsamroot, a common wildflower.

它来自剑叶香根 一种常见的野花

4. But you made plans to go see the wildflowers with them.


5. So II got some wildflowers, put them on her in her private places.

所以我摘了些野花 放在了她的 上

6. And he consummated it by strangling her to death and covering her body with wildflowers.

以掐死她的方式 还用野花覆盖了她的尸体

7. Oh, they invited us to take a trip with them to see the wildflowers.

他们还邀请我们一起出去玩 去看野花

8. The mid crop is what the bees are on just now, which is wildflower, which is the runny honey.

现在蜜蜂酿的是第二种蜜 野花酿的 水分更多

9. Cody, on his birthday, he woke his mother up with a handful of wildflowers he picked in that field right out there.

科迪 在他生日的那天 用他在那摘的 一束野花把 妈给弄醒了

10. In a couple of weeks you'll have seedlings, and in a few months or so a beautiful wildflower meadow filled with colour.

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