中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ɪm'plɑ:ntəbl] 美 [ɪm'plɑ:ntəbl]

a. [医]可植入的, 可移植的


1. Imagine, if you can, every child is implanted at birth with a all metal pill, the size of an aspirin, conductive on one side, so it's able to pick up the billions of electrical bursts that constitute human thought, decode them, and then send that signal out to its brothers and sisters implanted elsewhere, and you can only hear it if you have it.

想象一下如果可以的话 给所有刚出生的孩童 都植入这一小片金属 就只有阿司匹林大小 一边导电 这样就可以收集人类思维组成的 所有电流冲突 并加以破解 然后把这些信号传输到其他地方 也有植入物的兄弟姐妹们身上 有植入物才能听到

2. We'll get a sense for how it works once it's actually implanted into a human, so this is a schematic representation of how we might implant the capsule under the skin and then the capsule could potentially respond to the radiation exposure and once it responds it will release the therapeutic molecule or the protective molecule altering the physiology of the astronaut and protecting that astronaut from whatever threat exposure has happened.

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3. What is that ? It's an implant. I've seen this before.

那是什么 是个植入物 我以前见过这个

4. No, this isn't what the implant was built to do.

不 植入物不是用来做这个的

5. There were no implants found in the other victims.


6. We'll have to implant the baby into your uterus.


7. And I'm happy to show you my implants.


8. What if I've seen implanted memories before.

如果... 我见过植入记忆

9. When you electrocuted him, you damaged his implant.

你电击他的时候 毁坏了芯片

10. That's why he said the implants were stolen.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

