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音标: 英 [s'paɪɪŋ] 美 [s'paɪɪŋ]

[法] 间谍活动, 侦探

n. keeping a secret or furtive watch
n. the act of keeping a secret watch for intelligence purposes


1. When you go after a spy, you send another spy.

要追踪一个间谍 你只能派另一个间谍去

2. If we don't spy on our spies, we'd never know anything at all.

如果我们不监视自己的间谍 就什么都不会知道了

3. And we're not spying on you, not any more.


4. I mean, I did install a camera and I did spy on her, but I did not install it to spy on her.

虽然我确实装了摄像头 也监视了她 但我装摄像头并不是为了监视她

5. When a spy is killed in the field, it's often hardest on the people they were spying on.

如果间谍在任务中殉职 对于监视他的人来说非常麻烦

6. If he's using you to spy on us, maybe we could use you to spy back.

如果他利用你暗中监视我们 也许我们可以反其道而行之

7. spying on me. I have not been trailing you.

监视我 我才没有跟踪你

8. Being a spy is all that matters to me.

做一名特工 对我来说是首位

9. That's why you were a soldier and I was a spy.


10. It's not spying I'm not doing anything.

你在公共场合那么做 我什么也没做



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

