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音标: 英 [ɪɡ'zɪst] 美 [ɪɡˈzɪst]

vi. 存在, 生存, 发生

v. have an existence, be extant
v. support oneself


1. So you both exist and don't exist, and nobody can both exist and not exist.

你同时存在且不存在 但没人能同时存在且不存在

2. And he won't exist, and he must exist.

他就不会存在了 而他必须存在

3. It should not exist, but someone wanted it to exist.

它不该存在 但有人想保住它

4. So you can think of everything that ever did exist, does exist or will exist, as all somehow being out there in space time.

因此你可以将一切曾存在 正存在或将存在的事物 视为始终存在于时空某处

5. Let it embrace you, filling even your peripheral vision so nothing else exists or has ever existed or will ever exist.

然后包围你整个身体 充满你全部视野 其他一切都消失了 仿佛从来没有存在过 也不会再存在

6. If such creatures exist, surely they exist online.

如果有这样的人 他们一定在网络上

7. Its very existence depends on keeping its existence hidden.


8. I'm sorry, but, no such person exists, or ever has existed.

我很抱歉 但沒有這樣的人存在 也不曾存在過這樣的人

9. The theory that, uh, everything that can exist does exist.


10. He exists because higherups on both sides of the border let him exist.

他之所以存在 是因为美墨两国高层 任其为非作歹



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

