中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ʌnˈgɒdlɪ] 美 [ʌnˈɡɑdlɪ]

a. 不敬畏神的, 不可思议的, 邪恶的
adv. 可怕地, 令人憎厌地

s characterized by iniquity; wicked because it is believed to be a sin


1. I just wanted them to stop because it was ungodly.

我只是想要阻止他们 因为那样罪孽太深重了

2. An ungodly world dictatorship is the goal.

其目的在于创造不虔诚的世界 主义

3. Bodies disintegrating into an ungodly black pitch.


4. Hell, you wrecked that hand with all that ungodly selfgratification.

该死 你那只手被你那 可怕的自我满足毁了

5. Just got to wait for the universe to stop spinning at such an ungodly speed.

我的整个世界都在飞速旋转 我得等它停下来

6. I get hit with this ungodly, unbelievable pain that doubles me over and knocks me off my feet.

我突然感到一阵 的 难以置信的疼痛 让我蜷成一团 筋疲力尽

7. You deserve to be incarcerated for any number of ungodly crimes, but you didn't heist that armored truck.

因为一些恶行 你是应该被关起来 但是你并没有抢劫那辆装甲车

8. I'm afraid I will find it hard to think of her without imagining that ungodly gash.

我恐怕再难将她 和那道 的伤痕分开了

9. We're all just doing our best, tightrope walking above that pit of ungodly pain that's daring us to trip up.

我们都只是竭尽所能 在 痛苦的深渊之上走着钢丝 不敢有半点闪失

10. You are suspected of ungodly acts, pagan rites, and the boy who says you involved him ends up murdered in your chambers.

有人怀疑你有亵神行为以及举行异教仪式 而举报你的男孩 又死在你房间里



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

