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[化] 重新修整

v to patch up or renovate; repair or restore
v provide (a shoe) with a new vamp


1. I didn't either, until I revamped my profile.

我也是 直到我修改了我的个人档案

2. I need to revamp my entire personality.

我还得洗心革面 重新做人

3. He really revamped the show and updated things.


4. In his ten years here, he's revamped our education system.

在任的这十年间 他改进了我们的教育体制

5. They shut down access to all the public cameras while they revamp the system.

他们重改系统时关闭了 所有公共监控的接口

6. So I hope you're ready, as we're about to shoot through how they revamped this classic tale.

准备好 马上进入 改编经典故事的幕后探秘

7. Even if I do have a fairly genius plan for revamping the stores.

即使我确实是想到了很天才的计划 来改造那些商店

8. We could use middleout to revamp our entire suite of products.

我们可以用压缩算法 来改进我们整套产品线

9. He's here, he's working with the school to revamp the cafeteria menu to make it healthier.

他在这和学校合作 改进食堂菜单好让它更健康

10. I'm telling you, a little revamp, and this place could be the beachfront hot spot.

我跟你说 稍微改造一下 这地方就会变成海滨度假胜地



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

