中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['lɒŋɡə(r)] 美 ['lɔ:ŋɡər]

adv. 比较久

n. a person with a strong desire for something
r. for more time


1. What would happen is that those sausages would get longer and longer and longer.

结果是这些香肠越来越长 越来越长

2. I am no longer consul, you're no longer praetor, you're no longer proconsul.

我不再是执政官 你不再是司法官 你也不再是副执政

3. Actually, it's been longer than that, a lot longer.

其实 我早就想找你了 老早就想了

4. It is a world I no longer recognize and which no longer recognizes me.

我已经不了解这个世界了 这个世界也已经不认识我了

5. The longer you're respectful, the longer you'll keep your tongue.

你保持尊敬 才能更久地保住舌头

6. Your workday seems to be getting longer and longer.


7. The longer she holds out, the longer she stays alive.

她坚持得越久 就能活得越久

8. But since we no longer have a ship, we no longer have need of you.

但既然我们没有飞船了 我们也不需要你了

9. Your services are no longer needed, and you are no longer under my employ.

我不需要你的服务了 你不再受雇于我了

10. The longer our inquiry takes, the longer you're out in the cold.

我们的调查拖得越久 您的冷板凳就坐得越久



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

