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音标: 英 [ˈi:lɒŋgeɪtɪd] 美 [ɪˈlɔ:ŋgeɪtɪd]

v. 延长, 加长( elongate的过去式和过去分词 )

s. drawn out or made longer spatially


1. What's striking about these samples is that the minerals inside are elongated.

这些样品的惊讶之处在于 其内部的矿物质都被拉长了

2. Now we've got what you were describing to me before, this elongated pattern.

现在我们得到了你之前形容的那种 拉长的血迹

3. It has developed wings that are flaps of skin supported by elongated ribs.

它已经进化出了 由细长肋骨支撑的翼膜

4. You can see the proximity of her elongated styloid to the nerves and carotid.

你可以看到她茎突过长 很靠近神经和颈动脉

5. You would be seeing stains that are more elongated, with the tail of the stain pointing in that direction of travel.

会出现一些尾部指向 运动方向的拉长的血迹

6. Pterosaurs had wings of skin, stretched between one enormously elongated finger and their flanks.

翼手龙的皮制膜翼 从纤长的指尖延伸到身体两侧

7. Swing the opposite arm as you plant with an imaginary string pulling you up, elongating your form.

脚跟着地时挥动另一边的手 想像有一根绳子拉着你 拉长身体

8. I like to be, like, on my knees a lot just because, like, it gives you more opportunity to elongate yourself.

我喜欢跪着 因为这样能给你机会来伸展自己

9. we measure heart rate during sexual activity as well as prostatic contractions, vaginal elongation, and so on.

也会检测 时的心率变化 前列腺收缩 及 延伸的程度

10. Yeah, well, they had to put pins in my thighs, and so it elongated me and added three inches to my height.

他们不得不在我大腿里装上钢钉 所以拉长了我 增加了三英寸的 身高



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