中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌɪnkənˈspɪkjuəs] 美 [ˌɪnkənˈspɪkjuəs]

a. 不显眼的, 不引人注意的

a. not prominent or readily noticeable


1. I thought you said we'd be inconspicuous here.


2. I'm just concerned you're a little too inconspicuous.

我只是担心 你有点太不显眼了

3. You know, for a spy, you're not exactly inconspicuous.

作为一个密探 你也太显眼了点吧

4. And being out with his dog would allow him to inconspicuously stalk his prey.

而且遛狗能让他 跟踪目标而不引人注意

5. Vehicle counter surveillance is very difficult if you're trying to be inconspicuous.

若你不想引人注目 汽车跟踪就显得异常困难

6. Your failure to remain inconspicuous will prove fatal.


7. On my go, we're gonna get out of the car inconspicuously and walk along the fence.

听我指令 我们要不动声色地下车 沿着栅栏走

8. We did our best to appear inconspicuous, but to a trained eye, a royal operative is easily made.

我们尽力让自己不那么显眼 但对受过训练的人 皇室的人很容易分辨

9. I'm going to tie your hands together. It's inconspicuous, and it's hard to run when you're tied to another human being.

我要把你们的手绑起来 这样能避人耳目 而且两个人绑起来不容易跑

10. Find an inconspicuous chair in the corner, but keep a sharp eye out and stand if any member of the family comes in.

在角落放把不起眼的椅子 但一定把眼睛擦亮 如果有主人家的人进来就要站起来



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

