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音标: 英 ['bʊlʃɪt] 美 [ˈbʊlˌʃɪt]

n. 胡说

n. obscene words for unacceptable behavior


1. Not this philosophical bullshit again. It's not bullshit.

别又来这套哲学的鬼扯 不是鬼扯

2. I mean, pretty much everything is just bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.

基本上每件事都是胡扯 胡扯 胡扯

3. Every time it's no bullshit, and then it's bullshit all over again.

你每次都这么说 然后又会不断地搞砸

4. bullshit this, bullshit that, blah, blah, blah.

就那些糟心破事 一件又一件

5. Or maybe it's bullshit, but it's bullshit that I thought you should know.

或者说这都是胡扯 但是我竟然觉得你会明白 这才是胡扯

6. It was a bullshit story then, and it's no less a bullshit story now.

当时这个故事就是胡扯的 现在更是无稽之谈

7. That is bullshit. I didn't do that.

你这是屁话 我没这么做

8. So no, it has not all been bullshit.

因此不 我和他之间不全是扯淡

9. He did, didn't he? It's more bullshit.

他说了 对不对 更是胡扯

10. I'm out of here. this is some bullshit.

靠 我离开这里 完全就是在扯淡



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