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音标: 英 [ˈdʊərɪən] 美 [ˈdʊrɪən, -ˌɑn, ˈdjʊr-]

[植](马来群岛产的)榴莲果, 榴莲树

n. tree of southeastern Asia having edible oval fruit with a hard spiny rind
n. huge fruit native to southeastern Asia `smelling like Hell and tasting like Heaven'; seeds are roasted and eaten like nuts


1. But that's what's unique about durian, come on.

可这正是榴莲的独特之处 来吧

2. I'm so happy, I could eat an entire durian.

我太开心了 甚至可以吃下一整个榴莲

3. Everyone else had an involuntary reaction to the durian's stench.

刚才其他人都对榴莲的气味 产生了无意识的反应

4. And then from there, I did the sambal with the eggplant, fresh buffalo yogurt with some sticky rice and durian fruit.

那里是茄子配参巴酱 新鲜的水牛奶酸奶 以及糯米和榴莲

5. The mingled stench of rotting flesh, ammonia and gym socks is the hallmark odor of the durian.

腐肉 氨气以及臭袜子混合在一起的味道 是榴莲的标志性气味

6. I found on the forest floor the rinds and cores of durian fruit, which I knew was the favourite food of orangutan.

我在森林地表上 发现了榴莲的外壳和果核 我知道这是红毛猩猩最喜欢的食物

7. I'm trying to finish my rendang and you're munching, chowing on a durian fruit, which literally makes me feel sick.

我想好好做完我的仁当酱 而你却在大嚼榴莲 真是闻着都让我反胃

8. After tasting street food both good and bad, it's time to get back on the road in search of the finest cuts of beef on the island, which will hopefully wash the taste of durian out of my mouth.

把美味和难吃的街边小吃都品尝过后 是时候重新出发 去寻找岛上最好的牛肉了 希望牛肉的味道能将我嘴里榴莲的余味 洗刷个一干二净



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

