中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [æd] 美 [æd]

vt. 增加, 添加, 附带说明, 计算...总和
vi. 做加法, 积累而成, 增添
[计] 加法

v. make an addition (to); join or combine or unite with others; increase the quality, quantity, size or scope of
v. state or say further
v. make an addition by combining numbers
v. constitute an addition


1. I'll add a delay. I'll add a pingpong delay.

我会加回声 我会加乒乓回声

2. All I need to add now is that I am gonna add a gelling agent into this.


3. In this bowl, I've got some flour, to which I'll add some seasoning, some salt, and I'm going to add some yeast to this.

碗里有一些面粉 加点调料 一些盐 一些发酵粉

4. If you add some caster sugar, straight to the top, it adds a little bit of sweetness to it.

如果你想加一些幼砂糖 直接撒在顶上 可以增加一些甜味

5. Remove and add, top with a pickled carrot, add cool sliced cucumber.

取下放入面包 撒上腌胡萝卜 黄瓜切片

6. Also want to add, though I want to add that I will never, ever put myself or your team in this position again.

不过我还想说 还想说以后我绝不会 再给自己或者你的球队惹这种事了

7. If the governments use this land site value that's supplied by nature, not by human labour, not by a personal enterprise, then the government would not have to tax wages in the form of income tax, it wouldn't have to apply sales tax that adds to the price of doing business, and it wouldn't have to add the proliferation of business taxes.

如果政府利用这种源于自然的土地价值 而不是来自人力劳动或私人企业 那政府将无需以所得税的形式 对工资课税 无需以提高经营成本为代价 征收营业税 也无需征收增值税

8. That you don't add up, and I'm intrigued.

你的话好像不太对劲 但我很感兴趣

9. No, and that adds to some of the uncertainty here.

是啊 这也增加了不确定性

10. And I'm not here to add to my story.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

