中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [bju:t] 美 [bju:t]

n. 孤峰

n. a hill that rises abruptly from the surrounding region; has a flat top and sloping sides
n. a town in southwestern Montana; center for mining copper


1. Is it your butt? I bet it's his butt.

是从你的 出来的吗 我打赌是他的

2. So you kicked it so hard in the butt that its butt flew off.

所以你狠狠打它 它的 就飞走了

3. Not your butt. I would never even think about your butt.

不是说你的 我永远不会想象你的臀部

4. A butt touch is a butt touch, my love.

摸 就是摸 亲爱的

5. Up my butt you mean, "in my butt" doesn't make any sense.

你是说我 上吧 里放不了东西

6. Yes, I would seriously like to know what crawled up your butt, made a home for itself in your butt, started a family, lived a fruitful life, and then died up your butt.

对 我想知道你是如何吃了一包炸药 而这包炸药在你肚子里安居乐业 繁衍生息 度过了充实的一生 又死在了你的肚子里

7. And I would have laughed at the butt thing if it was somebody else's butt.

如果你打的是别的 我会笑的

8. You kicked some major butt in there, I mean, major butt.

你真的是振聋发聩啊 振聋发聩

9. Strange butts in my underwear, strange butts on my pillow.

里的陌生 枕头上的陌生

10. I got to wipe her butt. I got to wipe my butt.

我得给她擦 我得给自己擦



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

