中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ferɪ] 美 ['ferɪ]

n. 仙子, 仙境
a. 仙女的, 幻想的

n a small being, human in form, playful and having magical powers
n the enchanted realm of fairies


1. I think what you are telling, my lady, are faerie tales but told, in some way, from the point of view of the faerie himself.

夫人 我觉得你讲的是童话故事 但是以其他方式讲的 从仙子的角度出发

2. That's a common story about a faerie, but he is unnamed.

这是个很常见的童话故事 但他没名字

3. No magician, of any era, could help me as much as a faerie.


4. We have to find a spell that will force the faerie out of her.

我们必须找到符咒 将精灵逼出她的身体

5. It's your favorite faerie with your favorite drug, caffeine.

你最喜歡的仙女 帶著你最喜歡的 咖啡因

6. Into this land with no time for magic, no place for faeries and such folk.

来到这片没有魔法的土地上 没有精灵之类家伙的容身之处

7. She has no idea that a faerie lives inside her, just waiting to emerge.

她根本不知道有精灵附在体内 只等破茧而出

8. Sir, I think that... It would appear this letter was written by your faerie friend.

先生 我觉得 这封信 看来是你的灵族朋友写的

9. forever slipping off and away tales of the trouping faeries and the shapeshifting púcas.

总偷偷溜走 听群居仙子和变身精灵的故事

10. So you see, the faerie folk may be all, don't let that fool ya.

妖精也许听起来很微不足道 但别被它骗了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

