中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['taɪə(r)] 美 [taɪr]

n. 轮胎
vt. 装轮胎于

n a port in southern Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea; formerly a major Phoenician seaport famous for silks
n hoop that covers a wheel


1. To turn rubber tyres into rocket fuel, mix choppedup tyres in some pure liquid rubber.

要将橡胶轮胎变成火箭燃料 首先将剁碎的轮胎与液体橡胶混合

2. on normal road tyres, and it's doing this.

还装着普通的公路胎 居然在爬雪山

3. I can't remember what or where but it had slick tyres.

记不清是什么车 在哪里开的 但车子有配光头胎

4. Glass here, then tyres rolled over it.

这里有玻璃 轮胎碾了过去

5. Tell tyre I won't come after him either.

跟Tyre说 我也不会去找他的麻烦

6. We'll deal with tyre and save you the trip.

我们会处理Tyre 免得劳您大驾

7. According to solen, tyre's on the run.

Solen说 Tyre在逃

8. Those squeals from the tyres are in protest, not for joy.

轮胎发出的声音是 而不是欢乐

9. They'd play fairy rings... with the tyres.

他们会围着那些轮胎 假装仙女环

10. I could slash her tyres, shave her head while she's asleeping.

我可以戳破她的轮胎 趁她睡觉时剃光她的头发



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

