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音标: 英 [prəˈdʒektaɪl] 美 [prəˈdʒektl]

n. 发射体, 抛射物
a. 发射的, 投射的

n. a weapon that is forcibly thrown or projected at a targets but is not self-propelled
s. impelling or impelled forward


1. Not a projectile, more like a capsule.

这不是个射弹 更像是个胶囊

2. You've got a barrel, you've got a projectile.

你们研制出了射筒 射弹

3. No, but we only permit projectiles of the visible realm.

不 我们只允许可见领域的投射物

4. I have coordinates for a projectile intercept; prepare to receive.

我有一个导弹拦截的坐标 准备接收

5. With their projectiles prepped, it's off to a suitably explosive location.

投射物到位了 该去适当的爆炸地点了

6. As soon as you take off your pants, she projectile vomits all over you.

只要你一脱裤子 她就能吐你一身

7. But there's no evidence of trauma from a projectile anywhere on the body.

但尸体上找不到 入射导致的外伤

8. projectiles into tissue and bone is, uh, not my thing.


9. We were headed to preop when he started projectile vomiting.

我们刚要做术前准备 他突然开始 状呕吐

10. However, the projectiles matched the murder weapon.

但是 弹壳与凶器相吻合



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

