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音标: 英 ['ætməsfɪə(r)] 美 [ˈætməˌsfɪr]

n. 大气, 空气, 气氛
[医] 大气; 大气压

n. a particular environment or surrounding influence
n. the mass of air surrounding the Earth
n. the weather or climate at some place
n. the envelope of gases surrounding any celestial body


1. Soaring first through the atmosphere, the upper atmosphere.

先在大气中翱翔 在高层大气上

2. It sets the atmosphere in motion, the atmosphere sets the ocean in motion.

它使大气层正常运作 而大气层使海洋正常运作

3. Now we're not always in a position to wait for space storms to come so we have another instrument here on site, called the heater, and we can then simulate these space weather events, using the heater, to heat the atmosphere at high altitudes, cause the atmosphere to expand, so that we can study the atmospheric expansion, and therefore the effect on satellites.

如今我们并不总是坐等 太阳风暴的侵袭 因此我们有了另一种设备 加热器 我们可以利用加热器 加热高层空间的大气 使得大气发生膨胀 从而模拟这些空间天气事件 藉此我们可以研究大气膨胀现象 以及其对卫星造成的影响

4. Go through the atmosphere and tell us everything we can find out about this, this sister to our own atmosphere.

穿过大气层 告诉我们这个 与地球极为相似的 大气层的一切

5. 美国乔治亚理工学院 that stored in methane in the atmosphere, so you're basically making sand from something that is raining out from the atmosphere.

乔治·麦克唐纳 储存在甲烷里的氢和碳 所以基本上是从大气中掉落下来的东西 制成了沙子

6. And those are because there are a million amp electrical currents flowing along the magnetic field into the atmosphere, bombarding the atmosphere and making it glow.

而这是因为 有一百万安培的电流 沿着磁场流入了大气 轰击着大气层并使它发光

7. So it's a bit like describing an elephant by looking at its tail, you really have to see the whole object, and to see the whole object, we need to look high in the atmosphere and see what's happening as that co ic ray travels through the atmosphere.

这有点像通过观测大象的尾巴来描述大象 你必须要看到整个物体 为了看到整个物体 我们得在大气层的高处看 看看当宇宙射线 穿越大气层时会发生什么

8. And the atmosphere out there, it's not right.

而且外面的情况 不太对

9. But out in space there's no atmosphere, so no pressure.

但是在太空中没有大气 所以没有压力

10. It's got an atmosphere, but not much.

火星虽有大气 但很稀薄



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

