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音标: 英 ['nʌthaʊs] 美 ['nʌthaʊs]

n. 精神病院

n pejorative terms for an insane asylum


1. That's because you're hanging out at the nuthouse.


2. She ought to be in a bloody nuthouse for what she's done here.

她干了这种事 该进疯人院

3. I'm either taking her to jail or the nuthouse.

我得送她去监狱 或者精神病院

4. She's stuck in the nuthouse for the rest of her life.


5. You knew she wouldn't leave me behind if I was in jail or in the nuthouse.

你知道如果我入狱或进了精神病院 她是不会离我而去的

6. I ended up in this nuthouse because I believed you back then, bought into all of it.

我会进这个疯人院就是因为我当初信了你 全信了

7. And then suddenly, this thrusting, blasting sort of sexual nuthouse comes at her.

然后突然这个盛气凌人性格火爆 性取向还有问题的安妮找到了她

8. I killed a guy, I put his girl in a nuthouse, and I terrorized her friend into silence.

我杀了一个人 把他的女朋友关进精神病院 还恐吓她的朋友 让他闭嘴

9. Reagan cut funds to the local nuthouses, and released hundreds of schizos on the street.

里根削减了当地精神病院的资金 将上百精神病人放归社会

10. But here I am, I'm 40 years old, and I am still down at the in' nuthouse running interference, and I get it now.

可是看看我现在 我已经四十岁了 却还在这该死的精神病院里 为他做各种事 所以我明白了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

