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音标: 英 [ˌklɔ:strə'fəʊbɪə] 美 [ˌklɔstrəˈfobɪə]

n. 幽闭恐怖症
[医] 幽闭恐怖

n. a morbid fear of being closed in a confined space


1. I can't go in there. I've got claustrophobia, man.

我不能进去 我幽闭恐惧

2. The woman my hu and was having an affair with suffered from claustrophobia.

我老公的外遇 有幽閉恐懼症

3. My major focus at the moment is keeping my claustrophobia at bay.

我现在只求 幽闭恐惧症别占领我的心

4. Your psych profile indicates a predisposition toward claustrophobia.

你的心理报告显示 你有幽闭恐惧症

5. No, we like to think that the tension and the claustrophobia really set it apart.

不 我们认为游戏的紧张感 和幽闭感使它区别于其他游戏

6. And the valium will take care of any claustrophobia you might be feeling.

你也许会感到幽闭恐惧 安定片会让你平静

7. Ever since I turned 40, I get terrible claustrophobia.

自从我满了40后 我就患上了幽闭恐惧症

8. Her claustrophobia put her in a completely different class of fear than the rest of us.

她的幽闭恐惧症把她置于 和我们完全不同的恐惧之中

9. This'll help you avoid claustrophobia, and at times it's gonna be the only thing you can see.

这能帮助你避免幽闭恐惧 有些时候这可能是你唯一能看到的东西了

10. Lately, though, I have had a touch of claustrophobia, which is usually cleared up by a quick call to my supersupportive wife.

不过最近 我多少有一点幽闭恐惧 通常我只要 给非常支持我的妻子打通电话就好了



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