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音标: 英 [kə'læmətɪ] 美 [kəˈlæmɪtɪ]

n. 灾难, 不幸事件

n. an event resulting in great loss and misfortune


1. So, if you say no to it, the calamity is on you.

那么假如你不要它 后果自负

2. No. If I'd done what you asked, we wouldn't be in this calamity.

不 如果我当时听你的话 我们就不会出这些事了

3. Well, that plan is an invitation for calamity.


4. I'm hoping that in this calamity the book might surface again.

我料想在这场大灾难中 这本书或许会再度现世

5. I am not answerable for a deplorable calamity which was impossible to foresee.

我不能为一场不可能预料到的 可悲灾难负责

6. calamity could strike at any moment, and we need to be prepared.

灾难随时可能降临 我们需要做好准备

7. And yet news of calamity does not end with their deaths.

他们死就死了 可不幸的消息依然接踵而至

8. You once labored with my brother to bring this vile calamity on me.

你也曾与我哥哥狼狈为奸 把疯子的污名强加于我

9. He's the one you turn to in cases of calamity, when things have turned against you.

遇到困难时 遇到灾难时 他就是你的守护神

10. to ensure that such a calamity may never befall us again.

确保这样的灾难 不会再发生



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

