中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [prəˈdʒekʃn] 美 [prəˈdʒɛkʃən]

n. 发射, 计划, 突出部分, 设计, 推测
[计] 投影

n. a prediction made by extrapolating from past observations
n. the projection of an image from a film onto a screen
n. any structure that branches out from a central support
n. any solid convex shape that juts out from something


1. Or we can do this project my project on our own.

或者我们可以完成这个项目 我们自己完成自己的项目

2. The most attractive thing about this project is it's not a commercial project.

这个项目最吸引人的一点就是 它不是一个商业化的项目

3. Find a project, complete the project, stay sober.

找到目标 完成目标 坚持戒酒

4. Personal project like anyone else's personal project.


5. Someone hacked the project database, and the whole project was put on hold.

有人黑进了那个计划的数据库 所以整个项目被叫停了

6. The dig for this project started in 1970 and was slated to finish in 2020 a 50year construction project.

项目于1970年动土开工 本应于2020年完成 一个历时50年的建设项目

7. Yeah, it's your project, but you're my project, and if you're willing to turn in some slapdash grassless trash for class, then I'm failing.

没错 是你的手工项目 但你也是我的项目 如果你愿意交一些马马虎虎 没有草地的垃圾作业 那就是我没及格

8. Kristen and her coworkers were encouraged to have side projects, and there's a chance that one of these side projects was the reason she got fired.

克里斯汀和她的同事被鼓励 参加了分支项目 有可能这些项目中的某一个 导致她被解雇了

9. He needed a break and he just advised me to, instead of waiting around for the other's people project, to start my own project.

他需要休息 他建议我 与其等着别人的项目 不如开始我自己的项目

10. We're ready to invest over $1.5 billion to identify projects and fund projects to really get at solving solutions.

我們打算投資超過十五億美元 來鑑別並資助那些 可以真正找到解決辦法的項目



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

