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音标: 英 [ˈspɪrɪtʃuəlɪst] 美 [ˈspɪrɪtʃuəlɪst]

n. 唯灵论者, 迷信招魂术者

n someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead
a of or relating to or connected with spiritualism


1. You're sure this is everything on fraudsters and spiritualists.


2. He got treatment from a spiritualist and went into remission.

他在一个巫师那里接受了治疗 病情有所缓解了

3. He was seeking someone interested in spiritualistic science.

他想寻找 对降神术科学感兴趣的人

4. Victorian spiritualists, hippie kids in the desert.

维多利亚时代的招魂巫师 荒漠中的嬉皮士

5. An observant person might deduce that it was from a fellow spiritualist.

善于观察的人也许能推测出 这来自于另一个通灵人

6. spiritualist friends urged him to rethink his skeptici , inviting him to reconnect with her in a seance.

招魂说的朋友敦促他 重新考虑他的怀疑 邀他通过降神会与她通灵

7. He wants to get a sketch of the spiritualist, see if he can get it in the early edition or some... thing.

他想要一张灵媒的素描画 看能不能把照片放在早报里什...么的

8. spiritualists were convinced that newly discovered forces, still not fully understood, governed the interaction with the afterworld.

而唯灵论者坚信 新发现的力量 虽未完全被理解 掌控着与来世的互动

9. Yeah, according to accounts I dug up from the spiritualist movement of the 1850s, we need to take advantage of a planetary syzygy.

据我挖掘出的记录 19世纪50年代巫师活动的手帐所述 我们需要利用行星的"朔望"



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

