中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['kaɪndə] 美 ['kaɪndə]

adv. 有几分;有一点

r to some (great or small) extent


1. He's kinda cute and kinda funny and I kinda wanna say yes.

他很可爱又有趣 我真想同意

2. kinda's good. I can work with kinda.

还行就好 还行就很好了

3. You know, it was kinda gross, but kinda hot, too.

这是有一点恶心 但又有一点性感

4. kinda hippyish, kinda not like my dad.

有点嬉皮 有点不像我老爸

5. You know what it's kinda like? It's kinda like a rollercoaster.

你知道这像什么吗 有点像过山车

6. Ium, sheshe just kinda she kinda sneaks up on you.

我...她... 会慢慢让你心动

7. kinda people that go to that kinda club don't usually talk to the cops.

去那种 的人 一般都不会跟警察交流的

8. Now, the water feel is just kinda "meh," it's kinda grainy.

湖水看起来感觉一般 有颗粒感

9. Ya know, so, you can kinda figure what kinda bond ya have and what they actually mean to ya.

所以你可以分清 你和他们的情感以及他们的意义

10. And while I appreciate the gallows humor, which proves that you're kinda maybe becoming one of us, kinda looks like you've got more bad news.

虽然我很喜欢这种黑色幽默 这说明你可能慢慢要变成我们的一员了 但你的表情好像有坏消息



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

