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音标: 英 [di:ˈbʌŋkɪŋ]

v. 揭穿真相, 暴露( debunk的现在分词 )

n the exposure of falseness or pretensions
v expose while ridiculing; especially of pretentious or false claims and ideas


1. He is a famed debunker of the paranormal.


2. Name your wonder of the world, he's been there, debunked that.

指出世界存在的疑问 他会去那里揭穿骗局

3. We need to debunk this, or the whole town's gonna panic.

我们要查明真相 否则整个小镇都会陷入慌乱

4. Numerous innocent teachers had their careers and lives ruined, and all the cases were ultimately debunked.

许多无辜教师的工作与生活都毁于一旦 所有案件最终都真相大白

5. All right, well, look, uh, give me a call if there's actually any real supernatural crap to debunk.

好吧 如果真的有超自然现象的骗局 需要揭穿的话 就给我打电话

6. MI5 must know that the black box data will debunk any sort of pilot suicide theory.

局肯定知道黑匣子里的数据 能让机长自杀的阴谋论不攻自破

7. If it came out that you were an exec at a big drug company, it would've looked like any rival study you'd debunked was motivated by greed.

如果别人知道了 你是一家大医药公司的经理 那么你所曝光的所有竞争对手的虚假研究 就会被认为是为了公司的利益

8. Now you go and investigate if you dare and come back and tell me that I am wrong because I've come to one inescapable conclusion and that is the supernatural the unseen forces that surround us everything that you and I have spent a lifetime trying to debunk and disprove, it's all true.

如果你有胆量的话就去调查 再回来告诉我我错了 因为我只能得出一个结论 我们身边有 看不到的超自然力 你和我穷其一生 想要 和揭穿的一切 都是真的



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

