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音标: 英 ['aɪbɔ:l] 美 [ˈaɪˌbɔl]

n. 眼球
[医] 眼球

n. the ball-shaped capsule containing the vertebrate eye


1. The eyeballs, let me kiss the eyeballs.

还有眼球 让我亲亲眼球

2. To get down on the sengis' level we have to dig a trench, dig a blooming great hole to put the camera in, and the cameraman in, so that we're eyeball to eyeball with this incredible animal.

从桑吉鼠的视角拍摄需要挖一条沟渠 挖出一个大洞 让摄影机和摄影师藏进去 这样我们才能面对面地观察这一神奇的生物

3. And we learned that you don't need an eyeball to do that.

所以我们知道了 没有眼珠也能哭

4. They eyeballed him, but he's deadheading, so they waved him through.

他们盯了他一会儿 不过他是空车返回 所以他们挥手示意让他过去了

5. They're up to their eyeballs in shit, literally.

他们正搞得浑身是屎呢 真的

6. They slowed down and eyeballed me, so I left.

他们慢下来 盯着我 所以我走了

7. Douglas, I'm not the eyeballs you thought I was.

道格拉斯 我没有做称职的眼睛

8. But better because my eyeballs haven't frozen.

但我的眼球没有冻住 所以更好

9. You've been eyeballing me since you got here.


10. I'll bypass the eyeball, what a shame.

我吃不到眼球了 真可惜



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

