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音标: 英 [ˌdɪsɪmɪ'lærətɪ] 美 [dɪˌsɪməˈlærɪtɪ]

n. 不同, 相异, 相异点

n. the quality of being dissimilar


1. And it comes out looking not too dissimilar to that.

最后拿出来的 看起来将会和这个相差无二

2. No. It looks dissimilar. I don't know what this is.

不 不同 我不知道是什么

3. I've just seen pictures which are not too dissimilar to this.


4. I imagine our jobs aren't dissimilar in that respect.


5. This brass work's not exactly like yours, but it's not so dissimilar.

这个黄铜装饰与你那个不太一样 但也相差不远

6. The shape isn't dissimilar to what I was able to ascertain when we were crashing.

我确认过我们的坠机点 形状和它差不多

7. The physical locations are dissimilar, but the operating zone's welldefined.

物理地点虽然不同 但作案区域很好辨认

8. I think what drives most musicians is not dissimilar from what drives most people.

我认为多数音乐家演奏的原因 和大多普通人没什么不同

9. You evaporate off the liquid and this will turn into a beautiful mush, not too dissimilar to this.

你蒸干其中的水分 菠菜就会变成美丽的菠菜糊 大概就是这个样子

10. Funny thing, looking at you with that girl in the box took me back to something that happened to me which was not entirely dissimilar.

有意思的是 我看见你和那个女孩 让我回想起自己身上发生过的事 其实也差不多



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

