中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌmetə'stætɪk] 美 [ˌmetə'stætɪk]

a. 转移性的, 变态的, 变形的, 由转移所致的
[医] 转移的, 迁徒的

a. relating to or affected by metastasis


1. I found a single metastatic mass all of it.

我发现你的肠道中 全切干净了

2. We are not days away from curing metastatic cancer.


3. but this metastatic lesion extending through her diaphragm is causing most of her pain.

但她的疼痛主要来源于这个 穿透她横膈膜的转移病灶

4. or metastatic disease so a resection of the esophagus should render you cancerfree.

或转移性疾病 因此切除食管 应该就能让你的癌症痊愈

5. I am fairly certain that the cause of death was metastatic breast cancer.

我基本可以确定死因是 乳腺癌转移

6. Brenda is a 71yearold woman with, um...metastatic breast cancer.

布伦达是位七十一岁的老妇人 身患转移性乳腺癌

7. Congestive heart failure and metastatic stage four non allcell lung cancer.

充血性心力衰竭以及第四转移阶段 非小细胞肺癌

8. What is unique is having an aggressive metastatic cancer start to disappear without any rational explanation.

不寻常的 是侵略性的转移癌 毫无缘由地开始消失

9. Right, so you would also know that we typically like to treat metastatic patients very aggressively.

好 那你也知道 我们通常要对转移性肿瘤病人 进行侵略性治疗



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