中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [wɒʃ]

n. 洗, 洗涤, 冲洗, 洗的衣服, 冲积物, 洼地
vt. 洗, 洗涤, 洗清, 用水冲洗, 流过, 弄湿, 粉刷, 镀金属薄层于
vi. 洗涤, 洗澡, 被冲蚀, 漂浮

n. a thin coat of water-base paint
n. the work of cleansing (usually with soap and water)
n. the dry bed of an intermittent stream (as at the bottom of a canyon)
n. a watercolor made by applying a series of monochrome washes one over the other


1. No, I have to wash and wash and wash until I get screamed at or like ing insulted.

我得一直洗啊洗 直到被吼或者被骂

2. This business of laundry: you wash a thing, then you have to wash it again and again and again and again.

洗衣服这活吧 你洗了一件 到时候你还得再洗 反反复复 洗了又洗

3. I've got to get this washed but I don't have a washing machine.

我得把这东西洗了 可我家没有洗衣机

4. So I'll stand there, water beading down on me for five whole minutes, debating with myself whether or not I should wash my face again if I hadn't, in fact, washed it before or if I should get out of the shower not having washed my face at all.

我就会站在那里 任由水落在我身上 整整五分钟 自己在心里做斗争 如果我刚才没洗过脸 我是该再洗一次呢 还是该就这样洗一个 不洗脸的澡呢

5. I didn't get to really wash because I don't like your body wash.

我没洗澡 因为我不喜欢你家沐浴露

6. I once dated a guy who washed his car more than he washed his hair.

我以前交往过一个人 他洗车比洗头还勤快

7. You are telling me about washing your face or not washing your face in the shower.

你却和我说在洗澡时 要不要洗脸

8. We're supposed to be draining the washing machines winterising the washing machines.

我们要排干洗衣机里的水 为冬天做准备

9. If he's sitting on the sheet, the sheet has to be washed, he has to go up, his clothes have to go in the wash.

如果他正好坐在床单上 那张床单就必须洗 他得站起来 他的衣服也得洗

10. And when I washed my clothes, it felt like all of his evil ideas were being washed away because of me.

当我在洗衣服的时候 感觉好像 我把他恶毒的想法都洗得干干净净



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

