中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ɔ:'rɪkjʊlə] 美 [ɔˈrɪkjəlɚ]

n. 耳的, 私下对人说的, 耳状的
[医] 耳的; 心耳的; 心房

a. relating to or perceived by or shaped like the organ of hearing; I must hear what I read"- George Santayana
a. pertaining to an auricle of the heart


1. Knocking out the greater auricular and lesser occipital nerve.

麻醉耳大神经 还有枕小神经

2. The auricular surface indicates an age range between 29 and 35.


3. Slightly coarse granularity of the auricular surfaces puts him midtolate 20s.

耳状面呈现出略粗的间隔尺寸 可以断定他的年纪在25到30岁之间

4. Based on the texturing of the auricular surfaces of the ilia, the victim was in his early 50s.

根据髂骨的耳状面纹理来看 死者应该五十岁刚出头

5. Uh, the rim around the auricular surface indicates an age of late 20s, early 30s.

耳状面边缘表明 这人的年龄在25到35之间

6. Based on the head of this beautifully formed femur and auricular surface of the ilium, the victim was a white male in his 30s.

根据这个形状优美的股骨头 以及髂骨耳状面来判断 受害人应为一名三十多岁的白人男子

7. Based on the size of the pelvis and the uniformly coarse granularity of this auricular surface, the victim was a female in her early 30s.

根据尸体骨盆的大小 和耳状面均匀地粗粒度来看 死者是一位三十岁出头的女性



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

