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音标: 英 [sti:m] 美 [stim]

n. 蒸汽, 精力
a. 蒸汽的
vi. 蒸发, 行驶, 发怒
vt. 蒸, 煮, 散发

n. water at boiling temperature diffused in the atmosphere
v. emit steam
v. rise as vapor
v. get very angry


1. So, I steam up the pond, and you freeze up the steam.

我把池塘的水变成蒸气 你把蒸气变成冰

2. So, I steam up the pond, and now you freeze up the steam.

我把池塘的水变成蒸气 现在你把蒸气变成冰

3. Me running out of steam? I'm not gonna run out of steam.

我无精打采 我才没有无精打采

4. Which of course doesn't involve a steam room, just letting off some steam.

当然跟蒸汽一点关系都没有 只是让他发泄

5. steam increases reactivity, increases heat, increases steam, increases reactivity.

蒸汽增加反应性 增加热量 又产生蒸汽 增加反应性

6. The core's heat turns the water to steam, and the steam spins the turbine here, and the result is electricity.

堆芯的热量将水转化为蒸汽 蒸汽推动汽轮机转动 从而产生电能

7. So I switch the steam on, I switch it on slowly, so I don't get any kickbacks, and now I've just turned the steam on and I'll bring it up to a certain pressure just so it gets the tub hot.

煮蔬菜要慢慢地打开蒸汽升温 不会再把它关小 而我现在打开蒸汽 使内部达到一定的压力 让桶变热

8. What I tend to do as well is, because it's full of steam, you puncture it get a little knife, make a hole in it, that allows the steam to come out, put it back in the oven and that'll dry them out.

由于面糊里面全是空气 你得先给它开个口 拿刀剜个洞 好让空气跑出来 再放回烤箱 就可以坐等烤好了

9. I've been reading about his clam steam.


10. Not at all. I was just blowing off some steam.

没关系 我只是弹琴放松一下



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

