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音标: 英 [ˈdaɪəlekt] 美 [ˈdaɪəˌlɛkt]

n. 方言, 同源语

n. the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people


1. No. It is from a dialect no longer spoken.

不 这种方言已经没人说了

2. Not the western dialect. I do speak a little.

不是那个西方的方言 那个我还会说点

3. If I had to guess based on his inflection, it's an Indonesian dialect.

如果从他发音停顿上来猜测 这是一种印尼方言

4. You ladies would do very well to speak in this dialect at all times.

你们这些女孩子们无论何时 都最好用这种口音说话

5. It was a little‐it was a little staticky, different dialect.

有些没听清 是另一种方言

6. We will get you some dialect tapes so you're historically accurate.

我们给你找点方言录音 保证你的演出符合史实

7. They not only pursue different prey, they even have different calls and dialects.

他们不仅捕猎对象不同 连叫声和语调也不同

8. And he did it in a dialect spoken by less than 400,000 people in the world.

而且是用世界上 不足四十万人会说的一种方言

9. Different pods have different dialects or accents, and each sound has a specific meaning.

不同海豚帮有不同的口音和方言 而且每一种声音都有其特殊意义

10. The key legal question that came out something that called corpse dialect.

关键的法律问题 在于让尸体说话



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

