中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [dɪˈfrɔ:did]

v. 诈取, 骗取( defraud的过去式和过去分词 )

v deprive of by deceit


1. This is about a client a client who has been defrauded.

这事关委托人 一个被欺骗的委托人

2. He defrauded his clients out of their retirement funds.

他骗了他的客户们 骗走了他们的退休金

3. It's a mortal sin to defraud a workman of his wages.


4. If he's defrauded all those banks, he may be worth more to you alive then dead.

如果他把银行都抢光了 那对你来说 他可能活着更有价值

5. One conviction for petty theft, another for defrauding an innkeeper.

有一個偷竊犯罪記錄 還有一個詐騙客棧老板記錄

6. Someone in your company is defrauding investors and laundering a lot of money.

你公司里的某个员工在诈骗投资人的资金 并进行巨额洗钱

7. People will go to great lengths to defraud an insurance carrier.

人们为了骗保 什么都干得出来

8. Your client is a sociopathic liar that defrauded people of their pensions and life savings.

你的委托人是个谋取他人 养老金和毕生积蓄的 骗子

9. You reported your cheque book stolen, and then went and spent over £600, defrauding the bank.

你上报说你的支票簿被偷了 然后却花了六百英镑 骗取银行的钱

10. She is a whitecollar criminal who defrauded a high street bank of a hell of a lot of money.

是一个诈骗犯 骗了一家商业银行 一大笔钱



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

