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音标: 英 ['dʒɔ:bəʊn] 美 [ˈdʒɔˌbon]

n. 颚骨, 下颚骨, 信用
v. 赊买

n the jaw in vertebrates that is hinged to open the mouth
v talk idly or casually and in a friendly way


1. You should place the jawbone in this skeleton.


2. This are 10x magnifications of the victim's jawbone surgery.


3. She was a black market alligator dealer with a pierced jawbone.

她在黑市卖鳄鱼 下巴还扎钉了

4. Unless we want his jawbone flying across the room.


5. jawbone he was this, this old skeleton thing in a robe and a black hat.

颚骨 就是 一具老骷髅 穿袍子戴黑帽

6. Why don't you take out your frustration on that filthy jawbone our enemy seems so fascinated by.

你不如把失望的力气 用来研究敌人为何那么重视那块下颚骨

7. Then I remembered when I first looked at the jawbone, it seemed lighter in color than I expected.

然后我记起来我第一次看到下颚骨的时候 比我预期中的颜色要浅一些

8. I mean, it's like made of like jawbone, like the serrations are teeth.

它看起来就像一把用颌骨做的 刀背锯齿是牙齿的砍刀

9. A little yarrow root, some ground jawbone for texture, and, voilà, you are as weak as a puppy.

欧蓍草根 再加点颚骨粉末增加质感 看啊 你就弱如小狗了

10. And I can hear you because the same tran itter allows the sound of your voice to travel up the jawbone and into my inner ear.

我也能听到你 因为这个设备能让你的声音 通过我的下颌传达到我的内耳



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

