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音标: 英 [kɒŋk] 美 [kɑŋk]

n. 鼻, 头
vi. 坏掉, 出毛病, 昏迷
vt. 敲...的头

n. informal term for the nose
v. hit, especially on the head


1. It would have conked him out. I've seen you do it.

那足以击昏他 我见识过你那么做

2. I have been scratched at, conked out, and locked up.

我被人抓住 失去知觉 囚禁起来

3. She was conked in the head, then wrapped up.

她被击中头部 然后才被包起来的

4. She fainted and conked her head on the floor.

她昏倒了 头摔在地板上了

5. I heard footsteps, and then I got conked.

我听到了脚步声 然后就被打晕了

6. There was a whole lot of oke, and the engine conked out.

冒出来很多烟 然后发动机失灵了

7. The clerk conked him on the head with a baseball bat.


8. Dipped her pacifier in a little bourbon, she conked right out.

往她奶嘴上沾了点酒 她立马昏睡过去了

9. He conked out, like, an hour ago, and I've been too afraid to move..

他大概一小时前睡着了 我都不敢动怕吵醒他...

10. and the white knight from the suburbs steps in, gets conked with a pipe, and.

然后郊区白马王子出现 被铁管打晕



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

