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音标: 英 [ˈwɒʃaʊt] 美 [ˈwɑʃaut]

n. 冲刷, 冲蚀, 冲蚀的地区, 失败者

n. the channel or break produced by erosion of relatively soft soil by water
n. the erosive process of washing away soil or gravel by water (as from a roadway)


1. When there are washouts in all strategic positions.


2. Sophie and I went through a list of the washouts.


3. Give it a good washout and some vodka on it.

好好冲一下 然后倒上伏特加

4. So, until you washout, get killed or usurp me, you'll be working for us.

所以在你们俩放弃 被杀或者取代我之前 你们就为我们工作

5. A way from the flood waters and the dangerous swarms of wild life, those after washout, were their homes.

脱离洪水 脱离成群结队的野生生物 一场洗劫过后 那里就是他们的家

6. Well, these are doctors and med students in the area, and there are a lot of washouts who fit the profile.

这些是该地区医生和医学专业学生的信息 有大量的被淘汰者符合本案侧写

7. You know, I thought this party was going to be a total washout, but I'm actually having a really nice time.

我原以为这场派对会非常没意思 没想到我居然很开心

8. Good news for you... I'm a drunk and a washout already, so I can talk to whoever I want, burned or no.

好消息是 我是个酒鬼 是个失败者 所以我可以和我想说话的人对话 无论他免没免职

9. Criminals, gang members, academy washouts, security rentacops, teenagers, and that's just a start.

罪犯 帮派成员 被警校刷下来的人 雇作保安的警察 青少年 这都能列个单子了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

