中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [bɪ'lɒŋ] 美 [bɪˈlɒŋ]

vi. 属于, 合适

v. be owned by; be in the possession of
v. be suitable or acceptable
v. be in the right place or situation
v. be rightly classified in a class or category


1. That doesn't belong to him. It belongs to me.

那东西不是他的 是我的

2. It doesn't belong to you. It belongs to itself.

它不属于你 它属于它自己

3. I don't belong there, I don't belong anywhere.

我不属于那儿 我不属于任何地方

4. We just belonged, we belonged, we did.

我们是一家人 是一家人 真的

5. To know where I belong, and to whom, and who belongs to me.

我想要找到我的歸屬 我屬于誰 誰屬于我

6. You do not belong to you, you belong to the universe.

你不属于你 你属于宇宙

7. You belong to me and you will always belong to me.

你属于我 你永远属于我

8. Okafor belongs to me. I belong to no one.

奥卡福属于我 我不属于任何人

9. He's where he belongs for now, and you're back where you belong.

他在他该在的地方 你也回到你该在的地方了

10. That's why I don't belong here. I belong in a pine box.

所以我不属于这里 我该在骨灰盒里



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

