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音标: 英 ['grəʊnʌp] 美 ['groʊnˌʌp]

n. 成年人

n a fully developed person from maturity onward
s (of animals) fully developed


1. He's like a grownup, but a grownup you want to hang out with.

他是個熟男 那種讓人想跟他一起玩的熟男

2. I'm, like, the most grownup grownup ever compared to your dumb asses.

跟你们这些混球比起来 我才是最成熟的那个

3. If you want to be treated like a grownup, then you have to act like a grownup.

如果你想被当成成年人 那你就要表现地像个成年人

4. Oh, just grownup talk, honey, grownup talk.

就是大人之间的谈话 亲爱的

5. See, II thought ??you wanted to be a grownup and have a real, grownup career.

我以為你想做個大人 擁有一段真正的 成熟的職業

6. Second of all, we are grownups that made a grownup decision to protect your three siblings.

其次 我们都是成年人了 做出了成熟的决定 来保护你的三个兄弟姐妹

7. I was gonna yell and make you stay, but I didn't, and I decided to be a grownup and let you be a grownup.

我本来想要冲你大叫让你留下 但我没有 我决定用成熟的方式应对 让你也能如此

8. It's just gonna be a bunch of boring grownups talking about boring grownup stuff.

派对就是一帮无聊的成年人 聊聊成年人的无聊事

9. And you're a grownup, so you wouldn't lie to me.

而你是个大人 所以你不会骗我

10. You were pretending to be grownup versions of yourselves.

你们把自己扮成 版的自己



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

