中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [haʊˈevə(r)] 美 [haʊˈevɚ]

adv. 然而, 无论如何, 究竟怎样
conj. 然而, 可是

r. despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession)
r. by contrast; on the other hand; the second, however, took hours"
r. to whatever degree or extent
r. in whatever way or manner


1. Whoever she is, however brilliant, however brave, she's not you.

不管她是谁 多么聪明 多么勇敢 都不是你

2. however things, however they work out, it's important for people to know we are a community.

不管这事最后怎么解决 还是得让外人知道我们是个完整的团队

3. Look, however warped his motivation, however deluded his world view, this isn't about me.

不管他的动机多么扭曲 不管他的世界观多么荒唐 重点都不在我

4. however stupid your masters, or however beautiful, you're destined to remain in the shadows.

不管你的主人有多愚蠢 或是多美丽 你注定只能留在阴影里

5. And whatever happens, however hard, however far, we will find you.

无论发生什么 无论如何艰难 如何遥远 我们都会找到你

6. And he said however long and however much the person says, it's always longer and more.

他还说 不论那人自己说吸了多久多少 实际永远比他所说的要多

7. Well, whatever you do, however terrible, however hurtful, it all makes sense, doesn't it, in your head.

不管你做了什么 事情有多糟糕 有多伤人 但在你的脑海里 都是合理的

8. however this plays out, however long it takes for the reset button to kick in, you can be safe there.

无论结果如何 无论花多长时间才能重新开始 你们在那里都会更安全

9. however, she discovers her heritage with a zeal, a zeal for truth, and that truth to be discovered however it may, if you see my meaning.

但她发现了自己的身世 而因此热衷于寻求真相 并且愿不惜一切挖掘真相 如果你明白我意思的话

10. however far away my sister goes, however long she's gone for, whatever crises are happening here, she always, within minutes, manages to inveigle herself into becoming the main topic of any given conversation.

无论我姐姐走多远 无论她走了多久 无论这边发生了什么危机 不管人们在聊什么主题 她总能分分钟让自己成为话题中心



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

