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音标: 英 [ˈkærəməlaizd]

a. (食物)含焦糖的, 浇上焦糖的
v. 加熔(糖)使焦, (糖)熔化而变成焦糖( caramelize的过去式和过去分词 )

v be converted into caramel
v convert to caramel


1. But it is not as potent as caramel. It is a bit like caramel.

但不像焦糖那样黏稠 确实像焦糖

2. However you like your coffee, there's something for everyone in my salted caramel and coffee eclairs and these delicious creme caramels.

不论你爱不爱喝咖啡 都可以享用今天的美食 抹着咸味焦糖的咖啡奶油泡芙 和美味的焦糖布丁

3. Man, that's like a caramel apple, except your hand's the apple, the tar's the caramel, and no one finds this delicious.

兄弟 你的手就像焦糖苹果似的 不过你的手是苹果 焦油是焦糖 而且看着不好吃

4. We got chocolate, peanut butter, peanut butter chocolate, chocolate mint, caramel, chocolate caramel.

这里有巧克力 花生 花生巧克力 巧克力薄荷 焦糖味 太妃糖味

5. No, but you can get me an iced halfcaf, one pump sugarfree caramel, two pumps sugarfree vanilla, nonfat caramel macchiato.

不行 你去帮我买杯冰的低咖 加一份无糖焦糖 两份无糖香草的 脱脂焦糖玛奇朵

6. You take the caramel to the right colour that you want, take the pan off the heat, and of course, if you leave it in the pan, the sugar carries on burning, so you plunge the whole pan in cold water and it stops the caramel from burning any more exactly the same thing, what they're doing in there.

焦糖达到你想要的理想颜色 把锅拿开 当然 如果你把焦糖一直放在锅里 糖就会继续加热 所以你要把锅整个浸在冷水中 就可以使焦糖停止加热 和他们在这里做的一样

7. I want them to stand out from the caramel.


8. Uh, this is caramels, and these are lollipops.

这是焦糖 这些是棒棒糖

9. They had the most amazing salted caramel.


10. I love the way you're caramelizing that.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

