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音标: 英 [zɪŋ] 美 [zɪŋ]

n. 尖啸声, 活力
vi. 发尖啸声
vt. 对...挑剔

n. a brief high-pitched buzzing or humming sound


1. I zinged him with sarca , he didn't even notice.

我讽刺了他一番 他都没听出来

2. You'll get there, you've just got to put some zing on it.

慢慢来 多加鞭策就行了

3. Oh, and a couple of those cloven hooves for that satanic zing.

再来两个的蹄子 为了那 的象征

4. Not light an actual fire, but give what's already there some extra zest and zing and fire.

当然肯定不是一把真火了 而是给车子加入 一些额外的 和

5. could be like the guy in the pool hall who goes out of his way to let you see how bad of a pool player he is, and the next thing you know you're in a game with him, and boom, bap, zing, you're out of 20 bucks.

也有可能是台球室里的那种人 那种费尽心机让你觉得 他打得有多么臭 你就自然而然地开始跟他对局了 还没等你反应过来 20美元就没了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

