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音标: 英 [det] 美 [dɛt]

n. 债务, 罪过
[经] 借款, 欠款, 债务

n. the state of owing something (especially money)
n. money or goods or services owed by one person to another
n. an obligation to pay or do something


1. I am in your debt, and I am a man who repays his debts.

我欠你们人情 而我是有债必还的人

2. It's a debt a debt I owe to those he killed.

这是债 是我欠他手下那些亡魂的债

3. He was... deeply in debt and fled from those debts.

他...欠下了巨债 所以他逃走了

4. A debt's a debt. I'm just a messenger.

欠账还钱 我只是传话的

5. My debts are to pay off my brother's debts.


6. For that, a debt was issued and now that debt has been repaid.

因此我们欠他的 现在帐还清了

7. I find it hard to acknowledge a debt but we owe a debt to you.

我不愿欠债 但我们欠你们的

8. You got corporate debt and you got personal debt.

你的生意负债 你个人也负债

9. It's a debt I owed to her, and now that she's gone, it's a debt I owe to you.

这是我欠她的 既然她过世了 就变成我欠你的了

10. You were a crooked cop in debt to the mob, a debt that was transferred to me.

你是个黑警 欠了黑帮的债 那笔债转给了我



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

