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音标: 英 [ˈhekteə(r)] 美 [ˈhɛkˌtɛr]

n. 公顷
[经] 公顷

n. (abbreviated `ha') a unit of surface area equal to 100 ares (or 10,000 square meters)


1. There's about a million hectares of it, buddy.

大约有一百万公顷呢 小子

2. About six hectares, or 15 acres, what he's ranging over.


3. Their holdings now stretch to over several hundred hectares.


4. A plot subtracted is a hectare added and so on and so forth and et cetera.

居住地的减少就会带来农田公顷数的增加 如此这般 等等

5. Over nine million hectares of land is used to grow the grain.


6. The point is how many shallow marshes are there in this general area between 47 and 60 hectares.

重点是 在这片区域里 有多少湿地面积是在47到60公顷之间

7. We have now replaced up to 27 million hectares of virgin jungle with a single species of tree.

我们现在用单一种类的树木取代了 多达二十七万平方千米的原始丛林

8. The guy says it runs fine as long as I don't drive more than 40 hectares without tightening the bolts.

那人说它性能不错 只要我不在没拧紧螺丝的情况下 开到40公顷

9. Across the world, we are losing tropical forest at the rate of nearly 15 million hectares every year, and with it, the planet's treasure trove of diversity.

全世界范围内 原始丛林正在以 每年将近十五万平方千米的速度消失 这些丛林里埋藏着地球繁多的物种

10. Well, it feeds on algae specific to a shallow marsh, but average flock size dictates that the marsh needs to be at least 60 hectares to be a proper feeding ground.

这种鸟以湿地浅滩的一种水藻为食 但鸟群的平均数量说明 湿地至少要60公顷才能成为聚食地



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

